Petra Janíčková
Did you know that we have three levels of relationships? The informational, personal, and relational levels. What do these terms mean? What can we do to have more relational levels than just personal ones? How do we turn dysfunctional friendships into functional ones? What form of relationships is sufficient for building a business? And how should we care for our friendships? What if the joy of life depends more on the depth of friendships than on profession or love? How can we evaluate the quality of our friendships and their weak points? Where are we most vulnerable in relationships? Vulnerability, the ability to forgive, not judge, listen, or wish well for others without expectations are the foundations of unconditional friendship.
When we find the courage to naturally express our emotions, we can only gain from it. I would love to hear about your experiences, and I will gladly share mine gathered from my many years of coaching practice. I look forward to seeing you!
A former top manager, she started her business already in the 19th year of the last century (then considered “already,” now a common standard). She traveled a lot, and when she wasn’t traveling, she was thinking about where she would go next and what new things she could learn and discover. That’s probably how her love for knowledge and self-development arose. She spent extended periods in Turkey, Australia and Oceania, and the Peruvian Amazon, where she took her family and her 4-year-old son. This “stop” forever re-evaluated her future life. She hit rock bottom a few times in her life, only to dust herself off, learn from the experience, and discover something new about herself.
A surprising and new milestone in Petra’s life was the Mt. Everest trek with her father, who was celebrating his 75th birthday at the time. By doing this, Petra fulfilled her father’s last wish, one that he had been waiting for for over 60 years. She continues on her journey of transformation.
Professionally, since the age of 32, she has been dedicated to women and dares to claim that she is an expert on diversity and inclusion. She supports femininity in women and wishes to see real men in men. She founded the popular festival for businesswomen, coaches and mentors women, and leads leadership programs in corporations ( (yes, also for women:)). To combine work with passion, she also organizes yoga retreats both in the Czech Republic and worldwide. She is an eternal optimist (her mother used to say: “Peťka, you get excited about every little thing”), and she will probably remain an optimist until death.
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What does AI mean to me?
For me, AI is a good servant but a bad master in the areas that personally interest me – particularly personal development and the search for meaning, joy, femininity, and well-being. I am aware of how much it helps us, for example, in streamlining diagnostics and human treatment. Thus, it is part of natural progress for me as well, but it’s also leading to alienation and misunderstanding. AI will definitely contribute to the loss of critical thinking, to a disconnection from understanding our needs, and especially our senses, which are already being suppressed by the world of computers. That’s why we see such a boom in mindfulness and well-being, reconnecting with nature, and connecting with ourselves.
I know that the industrial revolution was an integral part of human progress, just as AI is today. But I’m not convinced that it will improve our sleep, our feeling of loneliness, reproduction, and joy. Moreover, in the era of deepfakes, I perceive AI as a threat to humanity. Because what we pour into AI is what AI will pour out, and we will consume that. So, we will probably see lies become commonplace and slowly turn into truth. And personally, I don’t like that. However, I am open to changing my view on AI one day. I will be observing everything from a distance 😊.
Is AI male or female?
It’s a robot…
What questions do you most frequently ask AI?
I try not to ask AI anything 🙂 However, I have used it a few times recently for translations (it works brilliantly and has perfectly replaced other translators, hats off).
What is AI according to AI?
I can’t say… In the area of IQ, it’s smarter than us, in the area of EQ, it’s still lagging (but they say it will catch up), and in the area of SQ (spiritual intelligence), we are winning. Phew…