March 6th 2025 Prague & March 20th 2025 Brno

clothing SWAP

number of C-level and board mentors

Prague and Brno

total number of participating women from Prague and Brno

preparation for the festival

The next edition in 2024 was also sold out about 2 months in advance. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, March 6, 2025, again at the Prague Congress Centre and on March 20, 2025, at the International Hotel Brno. Diversity. Inclusion. ESG. Circular Economy.

What will the festival bring you?

  1. We recommend reporting the Festival as part of your ESG non-financial reporting.
  2. By participating, you fulfill the UN diversity ESG goals 5, 8, 10, and 17.
  3. You can choose between Prague and Brno.
  4. The Festival in Brno is international and is interpreted into English.
  5. You will support the circular economy and sustainability.
  6. Experience 2 hours of mentoring with influential and publicly known personalities.
  7. Keep your team and relationships within the company in good mental health.
  8. Publicly declare your support for diversity and inclusion.

The women you nominate:

  • Will feel recognized and appreciated by the company and you personally, and this feeling of recognition is crucial for performance.
  • Will meet in one place dozens of influential personalities from around the world, ranked in prestigious lists such as Forbes.
  • Will return your investment in the festival with loyalty and care for relationships within the company, creating space for “informal networking right by your side.”
  • 94% of your women evaluate the Festival overall at 8, 9, or 10 out of 10 points.
  • 95% of women rate the atmosphere at the Festival between 8, 9, and 10 points (with 57% giving it 10 points).

      Receive relevant information and become a member of the ALL WOMEN group at LinkedIn

      Festival ambassador

      Martina V. Kopecká

      Pastor of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, Psychotherapist, and Crisis Intervention Specialist

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      “Why is it meaningful to support women? I believe that it is generally meaningful to support others and to give them the opportunity to fulfil their dreams, just as we strive to realize our own wishes.”

      “From a spiritual perspective, this comes to mind: Abundance is not about quantity, about the desire to ‘have as much as possible,’ but much more about gratitude for what we have, about sharing, about humility. Having something also means gaining the responsibility to manage it well. Only then will we truly rejoice in abundance.”

      Martina Viktorie Kopecká, Pastor of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church





      AI is the future. AI can and should be an inspiration. Perhaps…


      We will explore how artificial intelligence is influencing various areas of business, art, and medicine. How to best harness its potential. We will examine the role AI can play in caring for our physical and mental health, and how modern technologies are integrated into our daily lives and, of course, business.

      We are excited to introduce you to the guests and mentors of the festival! When was the last time you had the opportunity to meet so many publicly significant, influential, wise, and successful guests and mentors from the business world in one place? When did you provide such an opportunity for your people and teams?

      The mentors are carefully selected and approached. Only CEOs, board members, public figures, or experts in the theme of our year can become mentors. It’s fantastic to see so many women represented in top management! We congratulate the companies that know how to work with diversity! We are looking forward to it with you!!!

      David Semerád

      World-renowned entrepreneur, co-founder of STRV, owner of MINDZERO and other companies

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      Nora Fridrichová

      Journalist, philanthropist, founder of the Wardrobe for Single Parents, mother of two daughters. Forbes TOP 100 women

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      Filip Dřímalka

      Expert in digital innovation. Author of the book The Future of No-Work

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      Pavel Houdek

      Author of the international bestseller Modern Self-Defense, criminologist, and innovator in the field of self-defense

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      Shirley Knowles

      Global Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer, DEI Influencer and Speaker (USA)

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      Iva Kubelková

      Host, model, actress, Vice Miss of the Czech Republic 1996

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      Eva Nečasová

      Founder of the non-profit initiative AI for Children

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      Michaela Duffková

      Author of the books Diary of an Alcoholic, Diary of a Teetotaler, and Diary of a Non-Drinker, and owner of the addiction treatment center Alkos

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      Simona Otavová

      Investor, co-owner, and chairwoman of the board of the prestigious real estate agency LEXXUS NORTON. Listed among the Forbes TOP 100 Women

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      Blanka Havelková

      Member of the Board of Directors of České dráhy, Forbes Top 50 Women

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      Michaela Chaloupková

      Director of the Administration Division, Board Member at ČEZ a.s., Top Forbes 50 Women

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      Tomáš Šebek

      Evangelist of digital health, surgeon, TOP Forbes 50, and Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 for social impact.

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      Sandra Feltham

      Ředitelka Flagship Impact, expertka na ESG, prezidentka Business Leaders Forum

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      Lada Šmolková

      CEO Hornbach CZ & SK, Forbes TOP 100

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      Petra Janíčková

      Founder of the festival, coach, lecturer, and diversity expert

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      Lukáš Venclík

      Film director, lecturer, and moderator

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      Roman Lauš

      Global Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Mewery

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      Kateřina Beránková

      Owner and CEO of AWEC Group, Top Forbes 150 Women

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      Tomáš Studeník

      Radical innovator and urban hacker

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      Timea Klopčekova

      IT student, TEDx speaker, winner Slovak Women in Tech (SK)

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      Kateřina Zapletalová

      Co-owner of the Moser glassworks and philanthropist

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      Daria Hvížďalová

      Director of AI skills and Learning at 42 London, Academic Director of the MBA in AI in Business at NEWTON university, Forbes 30 under 30 (RU)

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      Yvona Tošnerová

      Vice Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Raiffeisen Building Society

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      Martin Půlpán

      Technological visionary, investor, entrepreneur, and cybersecurity expert

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      Sonia Slavtcheva

      Board member, ex-CFO, artist

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      Our Story and the Festival Team

      It’s the year 2014. I’m sitting with my closest friend under the Sydney Opera House, sipping coffee, and taking turns watching our two little boys who are playing together by the harbor. We’re reminiscing… We’ve known each other for quite a few years. We met as two little girls at our grandmothers’ village, and since then, we’ve shared a deep friendship. I was 4 years old, and she was 2. For us, this friendship is lifelong. At least, we hope so…

      Out of the blue, we look around and see lots of smiling women strolling in the sunshine around our café, in the park, and all across the harbour area in Sydney. My eyes catch a sign that says, “Festival for All Women.” At that moment, I say to my friend, “Within a year and a day, I will bring this festival to the Czech Republic.”

      The first festival was held in Prague in 2015 and in Brno in 2019.

      Petra Janíčková, Founder and President of the ALL WOMEN Festival, and the Contact for Sponsors and Partners from Everywhere

      I am an enthusiastic marketer with extensive experience from major media agencies and running my own brand, Bloque. I have a passion for creating engaging content and communicating with partners and customers. I believe that communication holds the key not only to better relationships but also to better business. I am delighted to be part of the team for this inspiring event that brings new and refreshing elements to the business world.

      If you have an idea for collaboration or partnership, feel free to write to me at martina@agender.cz. I look forward to seeing what we can create together.

      Martina Pochmanová, Communication Manager of the ALL WOMEN Festival

      For many years, I navigated the banking world, where I found the most joy in communication and relationships with corporate clients. Listening, connecting, finding solutions, standing by their side, and helping. With enthusiasm and humility, I now have the opportunity to dedicate myself to this admirable and unique festival alongside its wonderful founder and amazing director. It’s a thrilling journey that brings joy, spontaneity, freedom, and meaning.

      Lenka Kohoutová, Caring Manager for Companies and Guests of the Festival

      I’ve been involved in event production for over 10 years. I have experience both in organizing my own events and in working within the private and corporate sectors. I enjoy communication, which is apparently not standard for a producer, and I am very drawn to innovation and the future. Organization comes naturally to me, and this likely helped me when I started my own business during university.

      My goal is to help talented people realize their creative visions and projects. I want to create projects that are not only beautiful but also successful. That’s why I feel at home in our team.

      Patrik Brhel, Our Producer, IT, and “AI” All-in-One

      Hana Součková

      Které akce vás v poslední době nejvíce nadchly? 🙌 Pro mě to byl festival  #vsemzenam, kterého jsem měla tu čest účastnit se jako mentorka. Bavily jsme se společně o hodně věcech a nejvíce o tom, jak nepodlehnout strachu a nevzdávat své #sny. Velké díky organizátorům za tuhle skvělou akci a za pozvání. Snad bylo naše setkání pro účastnice přínosné. Třeba se s některou z nich setkáme v budoucnu v #SAP. Kdo ví? 😊#mentoring #inspirace #womenempowerment #sapcz #lifeatsap


      Hana Součková, Managing Director,
      Michaela Chaloupková, členka představenstva ČEZ

      Podpoře, vzdělávání, koučování a mentoringu pro ženy nejen v manažerských pozicích se u nás v ČEZ věnujeme opravdu intenzivně. Věřím tomu, že energetika není mužskou doménou, ženy mají v technických oborech rozhodně co nabídnout. Moc děkuji PETRA JANÍČKOVÁ za pozvání na festival Všem ženám, ráda se podělím o své zkušenosti a poslechnu si, co inspiruje ostatní.  #vsemzenam #diversity #leadership

      Michaela Chaloupková, členka představenstva,
      Jitka Haubová

      Unikátní akce, famózní účast, nóbl organizace, energií čišící inspirace. Vážím si pozváni za Komerční banka k mentorováni a účasti talentovaných kolegyň. #VSEMZENAM ⇆ žhavá pracovní témata, smysluplné vzdělávání, inspirativní mentoring. V Komerční banka se tímto zaobíráme pečlivě. A tak jsem ráda, že si toho všimla PETRA JANÍČKOVÁ a společnou diskuzí oslavíme Mezinárodní den žen v Kongresovém palaci Praha.  #ESG #mentoring #Inovace #BudoucnostJsteVy

      Jitka Haubová, Chief Operation Officer,
      Komerční banka
      Veronika Kořenková

      Mezi našimi zaměstnankyněmi koluje obrovský zájem o účast na festivalu VŠEM ŽENÁM, který zaznamenal veliký úspěch v našich řadách. Chtěli bychom vám touto cestou poděkovat za to, co děláte pro podporu diverzity a inkluze v ČR. Výsledky jsou znát a my se budeme těšit každý další rok. Děkujeme vám za naše ženy.

      Veronika Kořenková
      Head of HR, diversity and inclusion ČS a.s.

      Děkujeme partnerům za důvěru. Festival byl v roce 2023 a v roce 2024 vyprodán 2 měsíce předem.
